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Something New for My Blended Beauties

Hey Beauties! I never thought I'd be one to run a blog, but they always say Never Say Never huh? Well here I am, hoping that this blog is informative, yet entertaining for you. I have so much going on in my mind that I don't express on any other platform. I get stuck in the common guidelines of keeping a professional front that sometime I feel that I loose myself. I want this blog to enable me to be truly transparent giving you a little more of who I really am. Of course I will keep along the beauty lines (mostly), giving you tips and my favorite go to products for a flawless finish application. I will also use this platform to share my experiences within my transition in hopes that I can inspire you and even myself to continue to move forward to our own visions, hopes and dreams. I hope you enjoy and welcome to the "All Things Blended"

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